Beekeepers with hives located in the courtyard of a house or cottage, with connected Wi-Fi and the ability to connect to a 220V socket.
Пробная подписка на 1 месяц с возможностью льготного продления на 1 год.
Beekeepers who own small apiaries near their home, but without Wi-Fi access for the apiary.
1 x Control unit (hub) without LTE (Wi-Fi and BT only), without built-in battery.
Beekeepers with several remote apiaries (a kit for one apiary is indicated)
Beekeepers familiar with the Apipulse system, large beekeeping farms
5 x Temperature and humidity sensor
1 x Power supply 19V with power socket adapter
Solar charging subsystem 15W/30W
Sound, temperature, humidity, rotation and compass sensor
Temperature and humidity sensor
Basic wireless bee scales
Sound, temperature and humidity sensor
Sensor reception area expander
Wireless bee scales complete
Surveillance camera with the ability to react to events
Trial subscription with the possibility of a preferential extension for 1 year
20 x Sound, humidity, temperature, accelerometer, and compass sensor
Perimeter security system
1 x Control unit (hub) with LTE modem & SIM, built-in battery 7.2 A/h, and solar charging subsystem
1 x Control unit (hub) with LTE modem & SIM, built-in battery 7.2A/h, and solar charging subsystem
30 x Temperature and humidity sensor
3 x Wireless base bee scales
1 x Power supply 19V with power socket adapter
Trial subscription for 3 month with the possibility of a preferential extension for 1 year
10 x Sound, humidity, temperature, accelerometer and compass sensor
1 x Wireless base bee scales
Trial subscription for 1 month with the possibility of a preferential extension for 1 year.